Besides being the project’s landowner, `Ulupalakua Ranch (UR) also provides the Auwahi project with an annual donation based on a fixed percentage of revenues generated by the Auwahi Wind Farm. Other primary private funders of the Auwahi project include The Hawai`i Community Foundation and the Frost Family Foundation. With public funding, the Auwahi project, working closely with UR and the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services is finalizing an important four-year committed grant series, securing essential funds for invasive species control and management for Auwahi forest. The County of Maui’s Department of Water Supply and Office of Economic Development have both been long-term perennial supporters of the Auwahi project, especially in regards to Auwahi as a hydrological research site where native forest restoration has demonstrated significant increases in aquifer recharge, critically important information in an era of coming climate change and potential limited water resource availability. The US Geological Survey has been a long-term supporter and collaborator in conducting scientific research at Auwahi to better understand effects of native forest restoration. 


`Ulupalakua Ranch: landowners of Auwahi forest

Erdman Family Foundation: funder

Fondation Franklinia: funder

Frost Family Foundation: funder

Garmar Foundation: funder

Hawai’i Community Foundation: funder through many private grant opportunities

Hawai’i Tourism Authority: funder

Marisla Foundation: funder

Simon Family Foundation: funder

The County of Maui’s Department of Water Supply: funder

The County of Maui’s Office of Economic Development: funder

The County of Maui’s Environmental Protection and Sustainability: funder

State of Hawai`i Division of Forestry and Wildlife: funder and collaborator

US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services: funder and collaborator

US Fish and Wildlife Service: funder and collaborator

US Geological Survey: funder and partner in scientific research

Atherton Family Fund: funder

Auwahi Wind: donor

Costa Y Selva: donor

Edward L. Anderson Jr. Foundation: donor

Kaiser Permanente: donor

Mākena Golf & Beach Club

Omidyar Ohana: donor

`Olino: 501-c- 3 fiscal sponsor

Hawaiian Island Land Trust: conservation lease holder of the land and collaborator

Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center: outreach collaborator

Ke Kula Kaiapuni o Maui: education and outreach collaborator

Kekaulike High School: education and outreach collaborator

Kamehameha Schools: education and outreach collaborator

Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership: collaborator